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At Down to Earth Organics, better for you means better for everyone, including the planet. For more than 40 years we have lived and promoted the benefits of organics, and natural sustainable living. We endeavour to only stock products from suppliers who use ethical labour practices and who prevent harmful environmental and social consequences across the life cycle of their product. When you shop at Down to Earth Organics you know you are shopping sustainably and consciously.

Certified Organic

Certified organic is a guarantee of authenticity which is why it’s our mission to choose certified organic products when and where possible. We work with local suppliers to ensure we always know where our products come from and how they have been treated. Why? Certified organic is better for you, our animals and the planet and at Down to Earth that’s what matters. When you shop with us you’re helping to support and cultivate sustainable, organic farming, food production and long term care of our environment for generations to come.

our Journal

A 45th Birthday Interview with Keith and Dave: Founders of Down to Earth Organics

A 45th Birthday Interview with Keith and Dave: Founders of Down to Earth Organics

If you can imagine a Dunedin university student returning to Taranaki for the summer, surfboard under one arm and a giant jar of peanut butter under the other, you’d be imagining the very (very) start of New Plymouth’s Down to Earth Organics in 1979. This year, Down to Earth Organics...

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How soil health affects our mental well-being

How soil health affects our mental well-being

As mental health acceptance and awareness become loudly woven into contemporary society, so does our passion for understanding the relationships between mental health and organic food. Last month the wonderful Lee (co owner) headed up to Auckland to attend an incredible seminar called Mental Health Reimagined. 

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The powerhouse benefits of cacao

The powerhouse benefits of cacao

Cacao! Whether you're the ceremonial soul seeker, the health enthusiast, the creative chief, or the conscious consumer, Cacao is more pretty gosh darn interesting than ever before!  

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