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Meet the team - Deb

What inspired you to get into Naturopathy?

It’s in my genes. I was fed organic juice and healed with cell salts from a young age by my Mum, Dad and Granny. I have always strived to be healthy, even though my health is not always good. Life, has it challenges. As a mum I want my children to be healthy. I have always read, studied and lived naturopathy. It’s a way of life and something I have always been drawn to exploring.

Can you tell us about how you incorporate wellness into your daily routine?

1. Lemon water first thing
2. Organic Foods and Lifestyle – soil and health motto – healthy soil = healthy plants = healthy people
3. Variety

What are your top 3 supplements you wouldn’t go without?

Vitamin C – wholefood source
Organic Wholefoods – best medicine
The best brain nutrient is humility (Adam Grant)

    Over the years of helping people, what are the main health problems that people are faced with?

    Digestion, long-term medications and people wanting a quick fix.

    How can we help this?

    To start – the importance of mouth and teeth health, plus remembering everyone is different and therefore have different needs and will respond to different solutions.

    In 5 mins over the counter, you try and find the main problem and start there. People need to realise that chronic illnesses have come over many years. I try to give them one product and not to overwhelm them with information.  Sometimes they need a consultation and someone to “hold their hand”. I get them to come back in a week or two to offer positive feedback and go on to the next step.

    During this uncertain time, where many people are faced with extra stressors, what 3 things would you recommend?

    Breathe – be conscious of your spiritual needs

    Go barefoot – especially on dewy grass

    Spend time with the ones you love

    Biggest guilty pleasure

    Spending time reading through my books, which are mostly reference books, sudoku and crosswords.

    Hobbies away from work?

    Reading, organic gardening, eating good food, companion planting with the moon cycle.
    Spending time with grandchildren.
    Also, I’m an avid theoretical cook.

    Best part of working at DTE?

    The team and discussing ideas, new products with them
    Interacting with the customers and also tackling challenges (I need lots of brain nutrients 😊).