Organic Buckwheat Flour

Down to Earth Organics
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  • Description
  • Information
  • About:

    Made from organically and sustainably grown buckwheat, this flour is milled with meticulous care, without any treatments. Despite its name, buckwheat is actually the fruit of a plant related to rhubarb and sorrel. Its rich flavour complements many recipes. 

    Please note, our Buckwheat Flour no longer carries the Crossed Grain logo due to a change in position by Coeliac Society in relation to the use of the Crossed Grain logo which they administer. Rest assured, the contents are the same as per previous packaging, however we can no longer assign any gluten claims to this product.

    According to the international Codex Standard, a product is ‘gluten-free’ if it contains <20ppm of gluten. However, Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code takes a stricter approach, requiring foodstuff labelled as ‘gluten-free’ to contain no “detectable gluten”. Current technology can detect gluten in amounts as little as 3ppm.

    While we go to considerable effort to ensure our gluten-free products are compliant with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, unfortunately, some contain ingredients from international suppliers whose gluten test capabilities are only to the Codex Standard of 20ppm. Until recently, the Coeliac Society have allowed the use of the Crossed Grain logo without ‘gluten-free’ for products tested to this standard of <20ppm. They have now withdrawn this category from their programme. Consequently, we have been faced with a tough decision as to whether we can commit to have NO gluten detectable and continue to use this certification. Our experience with Buckwheat flour has shown that it sometimes contains low levels of gluten, which makes it too challenging for us to make this commitment on this particular product.


    Buckwheat flour is a versatile flour that is commonly used in baking including bread, pancakes, cookies, cakes, the list goes on! 

  • Ingredients: 100% Certified Organic Buckwheat Flour

    Allergens: Packed in a room that handles Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame & Gluten.

    Origin: China

    Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

    All bulk products will be sent to you in a paper bag.